Official Rules for 2019 Art Contest
Entries must be submitted by September 14.
ACL students 13 and under are welcome to enter.
Handmade original artwork that is no more than 8 1/2 by 10 inches.
Contestants must submit their name, age, address, phone number, and ACL school with their artwork. Artwork will be assigned a number and the artists names will not be available to judges or online voters.
Artwork should be based on capoeira and will be judged on craftsmanship, theme, and originality. â…“ of each contestants score will be based on online votes that will be collected on Facebook. Artists names and information will not be shared on Facebook.
Artwork may be sent to 1908 Sunset ln. Tallahassee FL 32303 or scanned and submitted as a PNG file to tallahasseecapoeira@gmail.com
Winner will be announced on October 5th during the Tallahassee Capoeira’s Batizado and Cord Promotion.
Winner will receive his or her artwork printed on a hoodie. All entries will be exhibited on the Tallahassee Capoeira’s Wall of Fame.
By submitting artwork, contestants are releasing rights of printing their work to Tallahassee Capoeira for promotional purposes. The winner’s artwork will be printed on this upcoming seasons hoodies and will also be available for purchase from Tallahassee Capoeira. The winner will receive recognition from Tallahassee Capoeira and receive a free hoodie with their artwork on it